Film & TV Marketplace

Stop letting Hollywood influence you and your family, shape film & TV by rating and investing in projects that share your values!

How WeVidIt Media can help

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Create Film & TV previews for production

Step 1
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Gather audiences metrics through views and ratings

Step 2
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License your films & shows to streaming channels & distributors

Step 3
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Attract studios from the pitch through post-production phase

Step 4
Serving Creators


Serving Creators

Instead of pitching Hollywood studios that require you to compromise your project to conform to their agenda, WeVidIt Media connects creators, such as filmmakers, to audiences who can rate their projects. These ratings are the proof from the consumer to influence what gets made and distributed.

First Look Agreements Through WeVidIt Media

Become a WeVidIt Media Creator

The Remembrance

Casey Baum & Jaran Huggins

Met With

SilverLining Pictures

Wig Off

Quiara Butler

Met With

Steel Titan Productions

Pretty Little Pills

Nicole Heetland

Met With

Cardinal Flix

If you are looking for Section 181 Qualified Film & TV Productions (100% Tax Deduction), please go to WeVidIt

* WeVidIt Media does not provide any tax or investment advice of any kind. Please consult your tax advisor, accountant, investment advisor, attorney, or other trusted counsel before using the platform or any of its subsidiary entities


Serving Streaming Channels & Distributors

With Project Metrics, WeVidIt Media leverages the ratings of project pitches by audiences to gain distribution deals for the project’s creators and investors. In this way, WeVidIt Media allows studios, networks, and other distributors to find content that is in demand from audiences.

Serving Streaming Channels & Distributors
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Discover unsolicited original projects

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Create a level playing field for family-friendly content

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Acquire projects in pre or post production


Start finding the content in demand from audiences on WeVidIt Media.

Serving Audiences


Serving Audiences

With WeVidIt Media, you’re no longer forced to settle with the content that Hollywood produces - you’re a game changer in which films and shows get made. Rate projects that align with your interests and values, and help talented creators gain the distribution opportunities they deserve.



WeVidIt U

Part of our mission of changing the Film & TV industry involves providing free, high quality educational content where creators can improve their craft and learn from the best in the business. Learn from award winning industry professionals on WeVidIt U.

WeVidIt U

Our Story

Meet Matt, our founder and CEO. After losing his eyesight in 2008, Matt decided he wanted to use his data science experience from Wall Street to create more opportunities for historically underrepresented groups in the film and TV industry.

Our Story

Our Partners

Native American Media Alliance
New York Latino Film Festival
NewFilmMakers LA

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WeVidIt Media: The Professional Creator Economy

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